WHO WE ARE ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** CENTRAL is a vivid partnership between five renowned Central European universities, all lo capitals of their home countries: Berlin, Budapest, Prague, Vienna, and Warsaw. Under the diverse research and outreach activities take place, in all fields. We provide a platform discussion and exchange. Combining our efforts, we make the academic discourse of the CEE region more visible, with beyond. ****************************************************************************************** * Background ****************************************************************************************** The CENTRAL network (Central European Network for Teaching and Research in Academic Liaiso and founded by Humboldt University Berlin [ URL "https://www.central-network.eu/who-we-are #c647928"]  in 2014, with the financial support from DAAD, taking aboard four renowned par of the Central European region: Charles University [ URL "https://www.central-network.eu/w partners/#c646705"] , Eötvös Loránd University – ELTE (Budapest) [ URL "https://www.centra who-we-are/partners/#c646696"] , the University of Vienna [ URL "https://www.central-netwo are/partners/#c647933"] , and the University of Warsaw [ URL "https://www.central-network. partners/#c647489"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Long-established links ****************************************************************************************** United in their position as capital city universities, and through their common history an proximity, there is a traditional sense of shared identity between the CENTRAL partners. E implementation of the network, the universities had strong bilateral links with each other Thus the idea to form a multilateral network to strengthen the CEE research region and mak certainly found fertile soil. The network now provides the formal framework for a long-est community. ****************************************************************************************** * The CENTRAL Mission ****************************************************************************************** From its beginnings, the network's first and foremost aims have been: • to strengthen cross-border research collaboration by enabling joint projects, publicatio • thus to establish new research networks as well as develop existing ones • to promote early-stage researchers and provide a setting for internationally-oriented ac • and to enhance visibility of the Central European academic discourse and output