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    The limit per a project/activity is CZK 150,000 for strategic partners.

    The financial support only goes to those activities that cannot be alternatively funded from:

    • external resources (EU programmes, etc.)

    • internal resources (Post-doc fund, Mobility fund, etc).

    When creating the budget, economic principles, the purpose, and the effectiveness of the resources must be considered.

    Final reports – We ask you to send these immediately after the closing/billing of each project, i.e. on a continuous basis.

    Eligible costs:

    i) Travel costs, subsistence allowance and accommodation costs of CU employees travelling abroad in the amount of the basic rate of foreign subsistence allowance according to the valid decree;

    ii) Travel costs, accommodation costs, subsistence allowance and out-of-pocket expenses of foreign partners - subsistence allowance and out-of-pocket expenses must be determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 188 (4) of Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code, and implementing decree issued pursuant to Section 189 (1) of the Labour Code;

    iii) Remuneration to visiting professors (the honorarium must always be justified in the application; exceptionally, a conference fee may be requested; honorarium for teaching only if teaching is part of the study plan);

    iv) Support of joint research centres or centres with strategic partners – if joint research or strategic centres are established, the Fund for the Support of Strategic Partnerships may partially subsidize their activities. In these cases, instead of the final report, we will request submission of an annual balance report providing overview of the team’s operation and activities.

    Not Eligible costs include:

    (i) Overheads

    (ii) Investment costs

    (iii) Catering

    (iv) Remuneration of CU staff of any kind

    (v) Student scholarships of any kind

    (vi) Materials: publications, scientific articles, conference proceedings, etc.

    (vii) Proofreading and language revision

    (viii) Economic activity

    (ix) Alcoholic beverages

    (x) Licences

    Last change: January 17, 2023 10:00